To celebrate the release of their Some Day EP on storied Italian imprint Vibraphone Records, Bosconi Records bosses Fabio Della Torre and Ennio Colaci—aka Minimono—have provided the ultimate beginner’s guide to Italo house. It’s packed with incredible jams from the genre, stretching from the early days with pioneer Giorgio Moroder until the genre’s peak in the mid-1990s.
Read more below, and listen to the playlist on YouTube here.
Check the full article on Pulseradio.net
ULTIMATE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO ITALO HOUSE BY MINIMONO – PULSE RADIO2018-08-262018-08-27https://www.bosconirecords.com/New2018/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/logo-bosconi-nero_200.pngBosconi Recordshttps://www.bosconirecords.com/New2018/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/italo-house-1-1534227019.png200px200px